This new workshop is intended to promote an understanding of recent developments in advanced methods for economic evaluation to inform HTA, with a focus on cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA):
Critique and choose appropriate advanced methods for CEA to inform HTA
Identify the data requirements to inform advanced HTA methods
Oversee the undertaking of appropriate advanced analysis
Communicate advanced methods effectively to a range of decision-makers
Early awareness of key developing topics in economic evaluation for HTA
Intended Audience

Workshop Leads
From Centre for Health Economics (CHE), University of York:
Mark Sculpher
Professor and Head of Department

Laura Bokje

Marta Soares

Beth Woods
Senior Research Fellow

Topic Leads
From Centre for Health Economics (CHE), University of York:
Karl Claxton

Mike Drummond
Emeritus Professor

Ana Duarte
Research Fellow

David Glynn
Research Fellow

Susan Griffin

Julia Hatamyar
Research Fellow

Sebastian Hinde
Senior Research Fellow

Dina Jankovic
Research Fellow

Natalia Kunst
Senior Research Fellow

Andrea Manca

Stephen Palmer

Claire Rothery

Helen Weatherly

Pedro Saramago
Senior Research Fellow

From Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), University of York:
Sofia Dias

External Speakers
(may be subject to change)
Keith Abrams, Professor of Statistics & Data Science, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, UK
Amanda Adler, Professor of Diabetic Medicine and Health Policy, and Director of Diabetes Trials Unit, University of Oxford, UK
Karen Lee, Adjunct Professor, Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies in Health (CADTH), University of Ottawa, Canada
Douglas Lundin, Chief Economist, The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV), Sweden
Danny Palnoch, Head of Medicines Analysis, NHS England and NHS Improvement, UK
Steve Pearson, Founder & President, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), USA
Stephen Smith, Vice Chair, Technology Appraisals Committee D, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), UK