How It Works
The video lectures/exercises for each module will be released on the dates specified in the first column of the timetable below. You can then work through these in your account at any time you wish. The second column indicates how much time you should expect to dedicate to this. For each module there will be a one-hour live Q&A session with senior faculty and tutors; this is the only fixed-time component and will take place on the dates shown in the third column of the timetable. In addition to the live Q&A sessions, there will be a discussion board available on the course platform, where you can post general and module-specific questions and comments. Students are encouraged to keep up with the timetable where possible as tutor support is only available during the timetabled dates.

The Private/Commercial Rate for this workshop is £2,200 per student.
The Public Sector/Academic Rate for this workshop is £1,500 per student.
NOTE: An additional 25% discount on top of the public sector/academic price is available for persons working for academic institutions, public sector or non-governmental organisations in countries defined as low or middle income (LMIC) by the World Bank. Please email Nicola Bogle at [email protected] to request access to the dedicated registration form.